अणु शक्ति सिंह, ख़बरिया वेबसाइट DNA हिंदी की सम्पादकीय टीम का हिस्सा, पत्रकारिता स्नातक, कथाओं से विशेष प्रेम, शेर ओ शायरी की दुनिया अभिरुचि का संसार… पढ़ना प्राणवायु, लिखना प्राणवायु का संचरण… दो प्रशंसित उपन्यास शर्मिष्ठा (वाणी प्रकाशन) और स्टापू (बिंज)  का प्रकाशन, कहानियाँ, आलेख और कविताएँ कई चर्चित अख़बार सह ऑनलाइन-ऑफ़लाइन पत्रिकाओं में प्रकाशित

Sabin Iqbal is a noted novelist, a literature festival curator, and a journalist with nearly 20 years of experience in national and international newspapers and magazines. As Editorial Director, he was a member of the core team of the first edition of the Kochi-Muziris Biennale. His debut novel, The Cliffhangers (Aleph, 2019) was Shortlisted for…

जयंती रंगनाथन प्रोफेशन हिंदुस्तान अखबार में एक्जीक्यूटिव एडिटर, बच्चों की पत्रिका नंदन की संपादक अनुभव: पत्रकारिता, लेखन एवं संपादन मुंबई में धर्मयुग, सोनी एंटरटैनमेंट टेलिविजन, दिल्ली में वनिता ( लॉन्चिंग संपादक), अमर उजाला  (फीचर एडिटर)और पिछले ग्यारह सालों से दैनिक हिंदुस्तान में एक्जीक्यूटिव एडिटर एवं बच्चों की पत्रिका नंदन की संपादक प्रकाशित उपन्यास: आसपास से गुजरते हुए (राजकमल), औरतें रोती नहीं(पेंगुइन/यात्रा), खानाबदोश ख्वाहिशें (सामयिक प्रकाशन), एफ ओ जिंदगी (वाणी प्रकाशन) कहानी संकलन: एक लड़की दस मुखौटे, गीली छतरी, रूह की प्यास संस्मरणात्मक उपन्यास: बॉम्बे मेरी जान (वाणी प्रकाशन) फेसबुक उपन्यास: 30 शेड्स ऑफ बेला (अनन्या प्रकाशन)…

प्रवीण कुमार की शिक्षा हिन्दू कॉलेज , दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय से संपन्न हुई । पहला कहानी संग्रह ‘छबीला रंगबाज़ का शहर’ हिन्दी की बेस्ट सेलर किताब रही जिसे 2018 का ‘डॉ विजयमोहन सिंह स्मृति युवा कथा पुरस्कार’ तथा 2018 में ही अमर उजाला समूह का प्रथम ‘ शब्द सम्मान( थाप)’ प्राप्त हुआ । हाल ही में…

Vibha Rani is a national level writer, poet, playwright, theatre actor and a folk singer of two Indian languages- maithili and hindi and has more than 20 books published. She is also a social activist, a Corporate Trainer who conducts developmental and behavioral training programs through theatre. Some of her renowned works include: 4 short…

Puja Changoiwala is an award-winning journalist and author of three books – Homebound, Gangster on the Run and The Front Page Murders. As a journalist, she writes about the intersections of gender, crime, social justice, human rights and technology in India. Her work has been featured across the likes of BBC, CNN, The Hindu, The Guardian, National Geographic, The Wire, Foreign Policy,…

Ashok Kaul   PhD, IIAS Fellow, Baden-Baden, Germany, Professor Emeritus in Sociology, Banaras Hindu University [email protected] Prof. Ashok Kumar Kaul is an Emeritus Professor of Sociology at Banaras Hindu University. Born in Bandipur, he comes from an illustrious literary Kaul family of Bandipur, Kashmir. His early education was in Kashmir and he did his Masters and…

Arunava Sinha translates classic, modern and contemporary Bengali fiction and non-fiction from Bangladesh and India into English. He also translates fiction from English into Bengali. Over 60 of his translations have been published so far in India, the UK and the USA. He has won India’s top translation prize, the Crossword Award for translated books, twice. Several…

Banibrata Mahanta is Professor of English Literature at Banaras Hindu University, India. A well-known teacher, litterateur and translator, Mahanta has been working in the areas of Indian writing in English, the development of Indian nationalist thought, and literary theory, especially disability theory. His academic output comprises reference books, textbooks, research papers, interviews, reviews and popular articles, of which some…