Prof. Shalini Rana is presently working as the head of the Department of English in Government College of Education Jammu affiliated to Cluster University of Jammu, J&K. She has teaching experience of seventeen years. She has published six books so far, namely, The Pierian Spring, Refresher Book Vol. I and II, Phonetics and English Pronunciation, Black Sun an English translation of Mohan Singh’s Dogri play Kala Sooraj, Banjar Dharti, a Dogri Translation of T. S. Eliot’s canonical poem, The Wasteland and Re-imagine Folk: Life and Literature, a book based on the folklore and traditions of different states of India. She has contributed six book chapters in edited books also. Besides publishing books and book chapters, she has published research papers in national and international journals. The thrust area of her research work is European literature, Indian folklore & Culture, translations and promotion of marginalized languages. She is also an active member of Duggar Manch, headed by Sh. Mohan Singh. She is also the Regional co-ordinator of Jammu Chapter of GAP, India.